
Wars members history

War ID Username Faction Kills Deaths Score Seconds
620 .FloRIN.V2 The Ballas 4 3 1 253
620 IcBB The Ballas 0 0 0 0
620 Faabi The Ballas 10 6 4 282
620 K4EDIUM The Ballas 0 0 0 0
620 TheSavantT The Ballas 6 6 0 170
620 alexhack04 Grove Street 1 4 -3 846
620 davidescu00 Grove Street 1 6 -5 1104
620 AlexKelveres Grove Street 3 4 -1 847
620 ghemosoiu Grove Street 2 7 -5 1062
620 Laza[] Grove Street 4 1 3 594
620 iclsh. Grove Street 9 4 5 1141

  Best player

Username: iclsh.
Score: 5 (9 kills, 4 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street

  Worst player

Username: ghemosoiu
Score: -5 (2 kills, 7 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street