Wars members history

War ID Username Faction Kills Deaths Score Seconds
1010 idk_cataaa. The Ballas 6 1 5 1196
1010 ConversatieSocanta The Ballas 11 5 6 1145
1010 DaZz The Ballas 5 5 0 1160
1010 Sandu2.1 The Ballas 2 4 -2 1088
1010 .Marinel.EXE. The Ballas 1 3 -2 982
1010 sLaYz0R. The Ballas 5 2 3 987
1010 youngtalented Grove Street 3 9 -6 341
1010 S7.M4rian Grove Street 7 8 -1 321
1010 Bodoq Grove Street 1 6 -5 325
1010 freegoe_ Grove Street 8 6 2 376
1010 nyx$FAPTA Grove Street 1 2 -1 80

  Best player

Score: 6 (11 kills, 5 deaths)
Faction: The Ballas

  Worst player

Username: youngtalented
Score: -6 (3 kills, 9 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street