Wars members history

War ID Username Faction Kills Deaths Score Seconds
468 [].Merian The Ballas 3 9 -6 863
Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in /home/hrkdpmq/www/panel.goldeagle.ro/kenny/important.kenny/Config.kenny.php on line 3000
The Ballas 3 5 -2 757
468 lucky_zew The Ballas 7 8 -1 762
468 idk_cataaa. The Ballas 2 8 -6 877
468 SenNaKks The Ballas 5 9 -4 707
468 lucianow0w. The Ballas 12 6 6 507
Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in /home/hrkdpmq/www/panel.goldeagle.ro/kenny/important.kenny/Config.kenny.php on line 3000
Grove Street 4 5 -1 544
468 youngtalented Grove Street 4 5 -1 396
468 IONUTRPG Grove Street 7 10 -3 626
468 SEEDtheGOOOOOOOAT Grove Street 16 5 11 741
468 alegzul Grove Street 8 4 4 577

  Best player

Score: 11 (16 kills, 5 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street

  Worst player

Username: [].Merian
Score: -6 (3 kills, 9 deaths)
Faction: The Ballas