
Wars members history

War ID Username Faction Kills Deaths Score Seconds
518 gabi146802010 The Ballas 3 3 0 802
518 [].Merian The Ballas 2 4 -2 796
518 piticu69x The Ballas 0 1 -1 259
518 IcBB The Ballas 12 2 10 1028
518 samsaru The Ballas 3 1 2 1502
518 lucky_zew Grove Street 4 5 -1 148
518 CacaNr1 Grove Street 5 9 -4 437

  Best player

Username: IcBB
Score: 10 (12 kills, 2 deaths)
Faction: The Ballas

  Worst player

Username: CacaNr1
Score: -4 (5 kills, 9 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street