Wars members history

War ID Username Faction Kills Deaths Score Seconds
940 .Marinel.EXE. The Ballas 5 8 -3 526
940 Andrei47. The Ballas 12 5 7 447
940 darqens The Ballas 14 10 4 708
940 .FloRIN. Grove Street 0 0 0 0
940 Dau@pentru@Lazar Grove Street 6 10 -4 1012
940 DaZz Grove Street 8 10 -2 892
940 Fr3sHH.V2 Grove Street 1 5 -4 274
940 CacaNr1Adv Grove Street 7 3 4 616
940 qpSmokeLL Grove Street 4 9 -5 813

  Best player

Username: Andrei47.
Score: 7 (12 kills, 5 deaths)
Faction: The Ballas

  Worst player

Username: qpSmokeLL
Score: -5 (4 kills, 9 deaths)
Faction: Grove Street